Studying with ChatGPT — Lesson 1 — Separating Active Recall Question and Answer Sets, from their Answers

Alexander Luyando
5 min readSep 16, 2023


So I am going to start with very simple tip for the beginning of this new series, but I want to point out the volume and speed in which I was able to do this. I spent a year making a lot of question and answer sets using a technique called Active Recall — a cognitive learning and memory retrieval strategy that involves deliberately and actively trying to remember information from memory without the aid of external cues or prompts. It is a technique used to enhance memory retention and recall by repeatedly and intentionally retrieving information that has been previously learned. This process of active retrieval strengthens memory traces and improves long-term retention of the material. — ChatGPT can cut down the time to practice this technique exponentially.

But without further ado, an example of how I used this in my real notes on Biology, from my Exercise Science textbook:

My Input:

How do muscles move the body parts?
Force develops in muscles that force the various body parts through lever systems.

What controls skeletal muscles?
Skeletal muscles are under control of the Cerebral Cortex

How does the Cerebral Cortex activate the skeletal muscle system?
Cerebral Cortex Activates the skeletal muscle cells or fibers thru the motor neurons of the peripheral nervous system.

How does the body support Neuromuscular activity?
Support for neuromuscular activity involves continuous delivery of oxygen and nutrients to working tissues and removal of carbon dioxide and metabolic waste by-products from working tissues and through activities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

What is the muscular skeletal system comprised of?
Bones, Joints, Muscles, and Tendons.

How do muscles function?
They pull against the bones that rotate about joints and transmit force to the environment

Can muscles push?
NO. They can only pull. You can use the bony lever system to manifest pushing or pull forces if need be. (bench press, OH Press)

About how many bones in the body?

What does the skeletal system mainly do?
Provides leverage, support, and protection.

What does the axial skeleton consist of?
Skull (cranium), vertebral column (Vertebra C1- Coccyx), ribs, sternum.

What does the appendicular skeleton consist of?

* Shoulder (or pectoral) Girdle, (left and right scapula and clavicle);
* bones of the arms, wrists, and hands (left and right humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges);
* the pelvic girdle (left and right coxal or innominate bones);
* and the bones of the legs, ankles, and feet (left and right femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges).
What are junctions of bones called?

What is a fibrous joint?
Allows virtually no movement (sutures of the skull)

What is a cartilaginous joint?
Allows limited movement (intervertebral disks)

What is a synovial joint?
Allows considerable movement (elbow and knee). Most sport movements happen at this joint.

What are the most important features of the synovial joint?
Low friction, large range of motion.

What covers articulating bone ends?
Hyaline cartilage

What is synovial fluid?
What is in the enclosed capsule of the synovial joints

What are the types of joints?
Uniaxial — 1 axis
Biaxial — 2 axis
Multiaxial — allows movement about all 3 perpendicular axes.

Explain the vertebral column:
Made up of vertebral bones separated by flexible disks that allow movement to occur.
7 cervical vertebrae in neck
12 thoracic in the middle to upper back
5 lumbar vertebrae, which make up lower back
5 sacral vertebrae that are fused together to make up the rear part of the pelvis.
3–5 coccygeal vertebrae, which form a sort of vistigial internal tail extending downward from the pelvis.

Connection point names?
Connection point between bones — Joint

What are skeletal muscles attached to?
Bones at each of their ends

What is contained in each skeletal muscle?
Muscle tissue, connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels.

What covers the body’s 430 skeletal muscles?
Fibrous connective tissue AKA, epimysium is contiguous with the tendons at the end of the muscles

What is the tendon attached to?
The Bone periosteum

What is the bone periosteum?
A specialized connective tissue covering all the bones; any contraction of the muscles pulls on the tendon and in turn the bone.

What are the two attachments that limb muscles have to the bone?
Proximal — closer to the trunk.
Distal — farther to the trunk.

What are the two attachments of trunk muscles?
Superior — closer to the head.
Inferior — closer to the feet.

ChatGPT’s Output:

Certainly, here are the questions from your input:

  1. How do muscles move the body parts?
    2. What controls skeletal muscles?
    3. How does the Cerebral Cortex activate the skeletal muscle system?
    4. How does the body support Neuromuscular activity?
    5. What is the muscular skeletal system comprised of?
    6. How do muscles function?
    7. Can muscles push?
    8. About how many bones in the body?
    9. What does the skeletal system mainly do?
    10. What does the axial skeleton consist of?
    11. What does the appendicular skeleton consist of?
    12. What are junctions of bones called?
    13. What is a fibrous joint?
    14. What is a cartilaginous joint?
    15. What is a synovial joint?
    16. What are the most important features of the synovial joint?
    17. What covers articulating bone ends?
    18. What is synovial fluid?
    19. What are the types of joints?
    20. Explain the vertebral column.
    21. Connection point names?
    22. What are skeletal muscles attached to?
    23. What is contained in each skeletal muscle?
    24. What covers the body’s 430 skeletal muscles?
    25. What is the tendon attached to?
    26. What is the bone periosteum?
    27. What are the two attachments that limb muscles have to the bone?
    28. What are the two attachments of trunk muscles?

Very simple trick, but this can really decrease the amount of time that you would otherwise take to write out each one. Here you can make yourself a specific list from your specific notes, and then pick at answering each one.

Also do not put in too many notes at once, at one point this just started pumping out every science question it could imagine, I have no idea when it would have possibly stopped. I would like to believe it would have never stopped and it would have generated every science question to ever exist, but I can only imagine/wish.

Look out for the next part in this series soon!



Alexander Luyando

Freelance Writer and Analyst, please inquire about research, thank you!